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Elected Grand Lodge Officers
Appointed Grand Lodge Officers
Prince Hall Grand Lodge Links
Eighth Masonic District Somerset, Wicomico & Worcester Counties
District Deputy Grand Master 
RW Vance Elbert
Lamach Lodge #30
Meets the First and Third Monday each month, 305 E. Isabella Street, Salisbury, MD
District Staff
RW Barry Brittingham, Sr.  (#53)
Asst. District Deputy Grand Master

RW Harold Tilghman (#73)
Asst. District Deputy Grand Master

RW Mike Bowen (#53)
District Secretary

RW Anthony Hughes  (#45)
District Treasurer 410-422-0090

RW Howard Ward  (#65)
District Chief of Protocol 

RW Gene Cray  (#73)
District Chaplain 410-251-7166

RW Marshall Becoat  (#65)
District CHIP Program Coordinator
Union Lodge #33
Meets the Second and Fourth Wednesday each month, Unionvile Lodge # 45,  Pocomoke City, MD 21851

Lincoln Lodge #53
Meets the First and Third Wednesday each month, Masonic Lodge Hall, 10319 Trappe Road, Berlin, MD 21811
Unionville Lodge #45
Meets the Second and Fourth Tuesday each month, 601 Clarke Ave, Pocomoke City, MD 21851
Unity Lodge #73
Meets the First and Third Thursday each month, Unity Masonic Lodge Hall, Sharptown, MD 21861
East Gate Lodge #65
Meets the First and Third Wednesday 
each month, 11274 Old Princess Anne Road, Princess Anne, MD 21853